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  • Some Specialities of Prout's Economic System

    There are several specialities of PROUT’s economic system. These include guaranteed minimum requirements, increasing purchasing capacity, cooperatives, industrial development, decentralization and developmental planning. PROUT also has its specialities in trade and commerce. Guaranteed Minimum Requirements PROUT’s economic system guarantees the minimum requirements of life – that is, food, clothing, accommodation, medical treatment and education – […]

  • Principles of Balanced Economy – Section B

    You know, in a balanced economy there should be proper adjustment among agriculture, industry and commerce. For example, a fixed percentage of people should be engaged in agriculture, another fixed percentage in industry and some percentage in commerce. Otherwise there will be no equipoise or equilibrium in the socio-economic sphere of life. Unfortunately no such […]

  • Principles of Balanced Economy – Section A

    There are three main reasons why cities and states in the past lost economic balance and declined after achieving the height of prosperity. First, if the city or state developed following the course of a river system and the river suddenly changed direction or dried up, its economy was adversely affected. Secondly, if industries moved […]

  • Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress

    There is a subtle difference between civilization and culture: culture is the expression of the intellectual realm of humanity, while civilization is the expression of material development of life. People may be civilized in material development but as far as mental development is concerned, they may not be culturally endowed. In the absence of intellectual […]

  • Benefits of global government

    Question: What will be the benefits and advantages to be enjoyed by people if a global government is formed? Answer: There are several benefits and advantages: The huge expense of maintaining a militia in each country will be saved and this saving can be used by people for their benefit. Human beings will be saved […]