"When a social wave loses its strength and cannot carry society forward, as it comes close to collapse, if a new wave could rise, it would create an epoch of fascinating transition." -P.R. Sarkar Humanity is caught in a peculiar scenario. Immediately following the collapse of communist global forces more than a decade ago, First- […]
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New prospects for a post 9/11 world

"When a social wave loses its strength and cannot carry society
forward, as it comes close to collapse, if a new wave could rise, it would
create an epoch of fascinating transition." -P.R. Sarkar
Humanity is caught in a peculiar scenario. Immediately following the
collapse of communist global forces more than a decade ago, First-
World governments and their business interests engaged in a unilateral
victory march over the globe, seeming to bear out the Darwinian dictum
that the big fish will feed on the small. People protested, almost
helplessly, throughout the globe, and in all possible ways. One of the
highlights of these protests was to be a showdown demonstration
against the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and
their respective global policies in Washington DC on September the
29th. Then on September 11, as if from nowhere, the fanatic caught us
by surprise.

The vulnerability of the mightiest nation on earth shook the world. From
then on, amidst varying opinions and calls for restraint, we have
witnessed a clash between the forces of the self-centered and the
dogma-centered extremes. For we may call capitalism a self-centered
economic system in that it rewards those who seek to maximize
personal gain. And we may call extremist political Islam dogmacentered
in that it requires subjects to adhere to rules and rulers without
The growth of capitalism has resulted in an obscene wealth disparity,
the economic and psychological exploitation of billions of people, and
widespread degradation of the natural environment. Extreme religious
factions have been used to justify suppression of women, murder of
civilians, and the brutal oppression of minority groups within nations.

In accordance with the interpretation of a handful of elites, these actions
have been carried out in the name of God.
As Proutists, we see the need to cultivate a new brand of leadership in
society, one not beholden to moneyed interests, dogmatic clerics, or the
hunger for power and domination. The founder of Prout, P.R. Sarkar,
termed such morally inspired leaders and advisors "sadvipras." Sarkar
believed that sadvipras are needed to ease the transition from old, wornout
and corrupt systems of social organization toward fresh approaches
to political and economic life.
The materialist visions of a communist world order gave way a decade
ago. The mixed economies of India and other countries have failed their
people many times over. We may try yet another version of capitalism,
but why? The tenets of capitalism are out-of-date and, in today's world,
dangerously egocentric. The collective human psyche is already
moving on, envisioning a more balanced economic system. Grass roots
movements the globe over are promoting a new non-capitalist culture of
coordination and cooperation similar to the Proutist political economy
first outlined by Sarkar almost fifty years ago.
People everywhere are awakening to a life made beautiful by sublime
purposes. Millions are exhausted by the madness of consumerism.
Others are weakened by poverty and despair. As a result, capitalism
faces a serious ideological crisis. Expanding the domain of capitalism
and applying a cosmetic neo-liberal fix may mesmerize a few for a
while. But underlying any appealing mask will lurk the selfish interests
of the cunning few. The desires and conscience of awakened humanity
will not be neglected. New leaders the world over have arisen to lead
humanity toward a more constructive political and economic agenda, an
agenda also reflected in the principles of Prout.